Saturday, June 11, 2011

Changing the World is a Big Job.. One that I Choose to take on in my own way!

Have you ever had an experience that you want to live over and over again?  You can't get it out of your head no matter what you try..... You close your eyes and you see it all in living colour with every minute detail as real as if you were there?  Conversations, laughter, smiles on peoples faces, the smells, the tastes, the music and the hugs.. oh yes the warm embraces.... ahhhh I wish I could turn back time to Tuesday night, the Stilettos for the Cure event... our first one... what an incredible night it was....

You know you are following the right path when everything flows with ease... from inception to completion it flowed... it all fell into place with the most incredible team, the decor, the entertainment, the cake, the yummy candy and goodies, the shoes...Rocky's choice of first song to introduce Tamara and I.. (Today I'm Gonna Try and Change the World), and the amazing people who supported and attended... I am proud, exhilarated and tired.... all at the same time... and... can't wait to announce next year's event info....

Changing the world is a big job... and one that not everyone is willing to take on.. this I know to be true... I see apathy everywhere and it makes me sad... I know people in general want change to happen around them... they see things that tug at their heart, they feel that it's wrong but they don't do anything about it... beyond their own lives...

I know that everything on our planet started with an idea... a small thought in someones brain, they spoke it.... possibly to ridicule and snide remarks of no can do but... they pushed and persevered and made it happen... all good things you have in your life, from your brick home to your car, your lovely shoes, the lamps in your home, your leather couch, the coffee cup you drank out of this morning, the makeup you put on your face, the toothpaste you brushed your teeth with, the phone you called your loved one with today, the cell phone you texted with... all of it...

This is my pledge to me and my world.... I will continue to look positively toward the change I want to see in the world... I promise to myself and my maker that what I can change, what I can be the start of, what I can make happen I will... I will not back down from comments... from jealousies.... from small thinking... from apathy..... from those that tell me I can't.... What I know for sure...What I hold tight to.... what I live my life by... no matter what...  when I am told I can't... maybe you can't.... but... I know for sure that I so can and I will.....

Our society is one that enables us to fit it.. no.. it actually promotes it... from the clothes we wear that match everyone elses, just to be on trend, in style... to blending in with our neighbours and not standing out... oh we don't want to stand out... what will they all think... I say to hell with them.. who are they anyway.... and guess what, rock the boat and you will be the flavour of the moment for just a moment.. trust me... people only focus on you for a minute, talk about their perception of the bad thing you did (in whose eyes again) and then they move onto some other poor person who does something that doesn't fit with their agenda... Most people who criticize and complain could not do a better job and truth is they would never be that one to stand out anyway...

So do it anyway... stand out and be the change... the idea you have, the desire you have to make a difference... Step out... speak your idea loudly... please do it... don't let apathy and fear be your driver.. let love and change be what drives you....

The world, your world will be a better place because you chose to be the change....

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said!! Very very true and nice and encouraging!! Awesome connection!!
