Have you ever felt small.... like you don't exist in a crowd.... insignificant... unvalidated.... like you should be doing more...like you need to be the one to go above and beyond... more so then any other person on this planet.... and for some reason enough is never enough.... in order for people to notice you or pay attention, you must do great big things?
What if it didn't matter? What if whatever you did or gave, they will take... that there is no end in sight... that you had to give and give and then when you were spent you had to give some more.... what if what you gave never reached the brim... simply because whenever you filled it up they took all they could get and then left you with the empty cup to fill it up again... no regard...
And when you stop... when you claim enough is enough.. that its done... that you have given all you can and your reserves are empty... they get angry.... they talk behind your back, make up stories and smile at your face.... it was all fine when you were giving to them..... then you feel guilt...
Stop the presses! This is not your problem... wasn't and isn't.... first off lets go back to a very early post I wrote.. "What they (whoever) thinks of me or you is NONE OF MY BUSINESS" let me say this in other terms.... in a day in my life or your life.... how significant are those people to your success... to who you are and does it really matter if you know that you have something to fulfil here on this planet.... that what you are doing is right and will benefit others as well as yourself.... What they think is their business... let them talk, chatter, gossip whatever it may be...
I think many of us live with a worry of "what they might think" and because of this never achieve the great things they could, dream of and were meant to.... we are so afraid of not being liked, stepping on someone else's toes that we live a life of servitude in a position that is not paid.... we freeze, afraid to step outside their ideas of us... oh they will talk about me now.... who cares?? when you go to bed at night do they go with you? Do they care? NOPE!! They stand in judgement of you... period...
Time to strengthen your belief, put on your superpower cape, put up your protective shield and walk mightily towards your goals... being fully aware of who you are, what you believe about yourself, your gifts, holding your dreams and plans close... keeping your eye on your prize.... being only with people who believe in you.. who can see your truth.... who offer support.... whom you trust....
Keep going... keep the shield up... just like the little girl in the coffee commercial does... start your day with vibrancy... love yourself... love your hair, love your life, love your house, love your kids, your parents, love your cat, love your dog, love your mirror, love your floor..... love the light you offer to the world, love your abilities, love your maker and believe.... believe in you....
Positively without a doubt you.. you of all people, will change the world as we know it right now.... you and me have much to give first... much to take second... for what you give comes back ten fold.... trust.... belief....
I believe and sometimes need reminding... no mistakes... every time a thought such as this comes to me... I know it is meant for me first and then for me to share... ok... superpower cape on, protective shields up, 10 feet tall and bullet proof (well ok word proof).........
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