Lately so many people around me are in transition... they are evaluating their circumstances... their work... their life.... taking stock of what they have achieved and accomplished and looking towards the future with a question.... what's next.... for me... what's next.....
I believe when this is noticeable for you... it's a mirror of what you are experiencing and my maker is trying to show me something.... pay attention girl... what's the matter with you.. how many times do I need to show you this before you... yourself... will wake up.. this is where you are... what is happening in your life and this is a good time to get a move on..... OK OK.. hearing you loud and clear.... thank you.....
With all the talk of the big tilt in 2012... which much of it is just too far fetched for my analytical brain to absorb and truth is that those of us aware of it.... have our own opinion.... you can Google it and get 2 million sites with each having a different insight into what it means... for me... and yes my opinion... it is an emotional shift, an awakening in some of us... a shift in how we think, how we live, what we are here to do, what we will no longer accept in our lives, a closing of some doors, of a way of being and a true sense of connecting with others on a level of understanding each other that not everyone gets....
OK, no crap here.... this is just what I think.... not just... it's what I think.... it's what I have processed in my intelligent brain....
One just never knows how it will all turn out the day after you become aware of who you are right now... you making that decision... fear... trepidation and all those juicy emotions keep you locked in the before but the day after - it's rather good..... I like it........... freedom..... an utter feeling of completion..... understanding that you made the right decision for you.... the operative word is YOU.... just plain quiet............ I like that....................
Decisions are tough....... and I know some of you are in smack dab in the middle of big life changing decisions right now.... you and me do need to follow that passion but in a calculated intelligent way..... no jumping off the end of the cliff because....... there is no bungee cord attached........
Will your decision be a popular one in your circle.... maybe not... and is that part of what is holding us back.... do we make them based on what others will feel, say or do.... should that be the top of your list when in the process??? I suppose it would depend on what the decision is and what the fall out or impact will be.... but.... truth is if it's a decision that includes your happiness, your sanity, your future, your well being then is worrying about how others will react really the main priority there.....
So many times I have heard.. you are into so many things... how do you keep it all straight.. how do you function with a crazy schedule like yours.... truth is I didn't really think it was that crazy... can you imagine... I thought this was my life and how it was.. how I chose it... so be it... I see things differently now... health issues are sometimes given to us as the final wake up call... stop it... slow down and focus... OK OK I got it!!!!
Hearing that "Tina is on the go, always has her fingers into this and that and she wants it all..." my entire life... now processing it for what it really means to me... not you or anyone that thinks or says it.. what it means to me.... first off... I don't see a problem if I am into a few things at once.... or that I want it all..... there is a great big life with big juicy things waiting for me and I am OK that I want to try it all......
If I am growing as a person, learning something new, providing a service or product that there is a market for, or just doing something that I love.... who says that's not OK... aha because it's not mainstream... it's not what most people do.... most focus on one thing - but what if there is a different way... is that not allowed... or is the way that the majority does things the way we should all do it... should we all fit into the same mold and adhere to the majority.... hmmmm....
Well I have to tell you... one thing I can confidently and clearly say.... I have never in my life felt like I fit into a mold.... in fact I have defiantly fought against it.... purposely rebelled.... went out of my way to not fit into the mold and then grew angry about it... immaturity and lack of understanding that I am different... of who I am at my core...... I have never really felt like I just fit in... I have always stood confidently in my own being and raised my bar.... my expectation of me were always higher... good bad or ugly that's the way it was.... it's the way it is.....
I have a keen sense of seeing the potential in people and in the past drove myself crazy when I see them being half or less of who they are and who they can be.... but..... Tina... this is not your decision.... not your life.... not your burden to carry.... let it go.... live and let live period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So back to decisions.... I too have wondered about others and decisions they have made... may have criticized or even tried to make them see my opinion...... but......again it's OK to be different... it's OK to make a decision that may not be popular to long as you are making the one that makes the most sense to you.... and me....
Each of us processes and analyzes differently.... each of us has our own perceived safety net..... our bungee cord... and each of us hangs onto not making a decision because of these... really??? What if you had a crystal ball and could see........... what if.... would you want to... really want to......... each step you take is a joy, a learning, another step in a life... if you could really see it from early on... think of what you would miss... do you still think the decision would be different....
Today, as I am on the backside of a big decision in my life, and many others about to happen.... I know this to be true.... I am confident in the path I have chosen... feeling good about new adventures... new beginnings... new opportunities about to open...... old issues unraveling and new peace found in that...... it's all good....
I am more excited today then ever and open to receive all good things that will take me closer to my goals and dreams.....
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