Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Morning Suprise!!!

Stumbled downstairs after a long night of tossing and turning.... a few years back I thought I was investing in a mattress that was going to amazing... in the store if felt like I didn't want to get up.... one would think a $5000 mattress would be like sleeping on a pillow right?  Wrong, this is like a rock.... so in 3 years I bet I have spent just as much on feather beds, more pillow toppers, egg crate toppers and covers searching for the comfort to be able to sleep through the night....  Last night I was so uncomfortable I turned what felt like 100 times... until finally the bed threw me out with such a sore back.....

Ossie was on the phone.... you know those mornings where you are bumping into walls, barely able to grunt, it's dark and gloomy outside and he hands you the phone... man.... I haven't even combed my hair what in the hell makes you think I want to talk on the phone.... it's my sister Tina (calling from England...)  oh that's ok then....

She says what's this you sleeping til 10am... I tell her the story and she says..... like a Brit would .... right then, we are coming for the month of April.... myself and Nadia (her daughter) WHOOO HOOOOO ARE YOU KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!! I love having them here... it's like my sister coming home.... and Nadia.... OMG I love that girlie..... she just got accepted to Nottingham University in England... how awesome is that!!!!!!

But...... there is a catch.... she is on a mission to lose weight.... well as you know....... that is a mission of mine.... so when she is here this is motivation for me.... to do my Weight Watchers on the mark, yoga classes, she wants to do Zumba... me too and walk and walk and walk..

And............. this is good for another reason..... I have a back room that needs to be cleaned out, and an exercise room that.... well we set up but didn't clean the rest of the junk out.... and now I have to do it.... how cool is that................ so now Ossie has to move his butt for the month of March to get this stuff ready...

My son Justin is getting married in September and Bonnie and him decided to have a few yard sales in place of the typical Jack & Jill because everyone is so scattered, her family is in Alberta and Peterborough, we are here, the kids are in Burlington and friends are all over the map so it's just not fair to have everyone come here and spend on hotels and such..... so they have asked everyone for donations for their yardsale....  they have to store it somewhere so guess whose garage is getting full??????? oh yes..... mom's is the best place isn't it???

Again, more motivation to keep going on Clearing my Clutter.... so March is a busy busy time... and today I am going to see my 96 year old grandmother and take the puppy for a visit, Mandy is dropping of cupcakes for our birthday party for my Zakadoodle (the big 23 this week) and pizza is dinner....and salad of course!!!!!!

Happy Saturday.... just be in every single moment in the day.... that's all we have to do....

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