Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Optimal Health is a choice!

I pray in the shower every morning... but I have to admit... I prayed differently over those 3.5 months of living on hold... I prayed harder and more desperately.... I usually thank my maker for all my blessings, ask for him to look after my loved ones, ask for special help for people needing extra attention right now, tell him what my great big dreams are, ask for strength and guidance to follow the right paths towards them.... I always end with telling him that I am open to receive all good things he has to show me and that will take me closer to my goals...

Having danced with the other side (in my mind) of having to fight for my life.... I prayed differently... I prayed that he would show me why he gave me this gift and how to use it either way... benign or malignant there was a reason why..

I believe I know many reasons why, and have many to learn yet.... an an opportunity to change the way I was living and working to save myself from the other side.... now that is a gift.... and one my prayers now include... giving thanks for my gift.... the opportunity to research and learn about information, products and services that are available to us all in our daily life as we work towards prevention of serious illness... as we work towards optimal health...

March is an awesome month... we get teased with warmer weather and we get lambasted with winter weather... just a tickle now and then to let us know winter isn't over but yet.. spring is just around the corner... it's a great month to clean your closets, crack open a window a bit, dust those blinds, air out comforters in the sun and look for new information to serve you on your journey in health....

I will use March to share some of mine.... places, events, people and new information that I am finding to help me and if it works for you then please use it...

First up:
Renewed Strength/ Renew Studio
60 Randall Drive, Unit #4
Ajax, ON  (905) 427.3200

Renew Studio is a neat little place where you feel right at home as soon as you enter... because of the fact that Dee Miller gives personal attention to each and every person that walks through the door..... the smell of fresh made soup lingers in the air and tickles your senses to fill your tummy..... the brightly decorated and welcoming atmosphere invites you to leave troubles behind and enjoy the moment.... the lower level opens onto a lovely yoga studio where you ca enjoy a multitude of classes ranging from yoga, Pilates, meditation and more.....

Renew Studio offers a place where friends can gather, eat organic freshly made soups in the Nourishing Nook, purchase from a menu and take them home (for the same price you would pay for a can of soup full of preservatives in your local grocery shop), preorder and have them frozen and ready for you to pick up for the week (this is what I do) and it's a place where you can go to get good information of healing after surgery, as you are fighting cancer and having treatments, after treatments when you need to regain your strength and a place where support is readily available every single day.

Dee worked tirelessly to put together a cookbook called Healthy Bites, which has tried and tested recipes that she cooks in the nook for sale for $20... Purchase one and the money goes back into the programs.

If you have cancer, had cancer or are fighting your way back to health during treatments... you can attend workshops, classes and be a part of the studio for free... through the charity Renewed Strength...

You do not have to have had or presently have cancer to enjoy everything the Studio has to offer..... feel free to take classes, purchase soup, go for workshops for one or on a long term basis... You may purchase a membership to the Studio with all class proceeds going to the charity...

How great is it knowing that you, being healthy can maintain optimal health while you assist others to regain strength and health by attending classes yourself....

Dee and her mother Bev May, work very hard to make this amazing little gem a place to be.... give them a call, check out the website above and see how the studio can help you either maintain health or regain strength....

(Yoga for me Thursday morning.... ) see you there!!!

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