Monday, February 7, 2011

Take 2 Percs x 40 and call me in 3 weeks...

Ok, I have had it.... had it with all this laying around stuff, all this taking it easy, all this not doing anything... all this cupcake eating.....a girl on the go can only take so much rest....and sugar......
Last night I decided I was done... my girlfriend Val texts me in the morning (lives in Kelowna, BC) to tell me that she is watching me on TV.... in a movie that she said reminded her of me... Bette Midler (who is awesome) in a movie called That Old Feeling... and that I need a laugh and to watch it... she said she is me.... so I did...

As I sat through the third movie... don't get me wrong the first 2 movies were funny then Ossie decided he missed jolly ole England and purposely shopped Netflix for something British..... maybe it's true... although he loves Canada... maybe you just can't take the Brit out of the boy....... I got bored again.....

He downloads this British gangster documentary thing that was so borrrrrrrring..... big yawn..... biggggggger yawn........ I could hardly stand it... first off I could barely understand a word they were saying... like they were speaking in tongues.... and then, well I won't drag you through the agonizing moments of it... I tuned out.... I went to a happy place....

First, I started going over all the things I need to do at the office.... then my stomach knotted up because there are some things I just can't control right now nor can I do anything about so I decided to push past them and move onto something juicy.... like being well.... ahhh running through a meadow barefoot with the smell of lavendar tickling my nose.... wait a minute that's not it... like I would ever do that .... without stilettos on... come on.... truth is it was really hard to zone into something lovely right now..... but I, being made of tough stuff persevered.....

I started to think of all the lovely people in my life, my mom... my dad... my son... my baby (23 and a head of rocks) who on Saturday had a snowmobile accident... this boy..... oh he is ok all be it the 50 stitches in his calf.... from hitting a tree stump.... so I thanked God he is ok.... Thank you God..... my Ossie who went up to the kitchen all on his own and made me my fav soup... Italian wedding soup.. yummmm.....

Julia, came to see me (really to get cupcakes...) and brought me a princess wine glass and this awesome book... Pinkalicious.... it is about a little girl who eats too many pink cupcakes and turns pink... no her ass doesnt grow she turns pink... they call her Pinkerbelle.... I laughed my butt off.... what an awesome gift... how funny is that... how perfect is that.... I am grateful for her..... and my new name and word.... the word for the day is Pinkalicious.....

My mind wanders again to the fact I am done.... done with surgery.... done with this crap.... I am calling Dr. A today to make my appt... it's time he just tells me.... you are done.. get on with it... oooops it was a lump of rocks and nothing further needed.... get on your merry way and make sure women know to get mamograms.... get showered.... get dressed up... put on skirt..... high heels and go for a walk... to the end of your driveway..... go through your closet and continue your clearing..... clean up your mess..... sweep, wash the floors, cook something nutriciuos - vegetables and salad dear girl... Weight Watchers misses you... and those 6.2lbs you lost well now it's 15 or so you will probably need to lose to make it up....... finish that damn book will ya....... do that new business plan...... write that T&E blog...... prepare the customer appreciation month the cruise shots..... get the bloody taxes done... (oh ya really juicy and happy)..... wash your jammies.... do your hair... put on some makeup....... read those 6 Oprah magazines you have been saving..... yoga.... you can do it.. just dont stretch your arm too much....... meditate.... come on move your butt.....

ok ok I took the Christmas tablecloth off the dining room table today - does that count... I did the dishes.... I made eggs... hardboiled but I did it none the less... things are looking up... I wiped the counters and kicked Ossie out.... I think I am off to a good start today.....

I also decided that I will get back to clearing.... so the first item on the list on my road to recovery is.... big drumroll here...... you guessed it..... PINK CUPCAKES..... oh and they are Pinkalicious.... only 3 left so I sent them with Ossie...

#335 Pinkalicious pink cupcakes because my butt just can't take another one... it's bad when your jammies are screaming at the seams......

Onward and upward right????? well at least showered!!!!!

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